
What if Trump Wins
By PureLight / September 11, 2024

What if Trump Wins

The chaos and lawlessness of the first term could pale in comparison to what comes next. By Tim Dickinson, Asawin SuebsaengIllustration by Victor JuhaszSep 9, 2024 9:30 amRollingStone Magazine Donald Trump was slamming his fist on the Resolute Desk and, once again, calling for blood. It was the second year of his presidency, and Trump was seething about gang members and drug lords. He wanted to see their bodies piled up in the streets. Specifically, he sought a series of mass executions...

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Blah Blah Blah, Selective Hearing
By Anita O Pinion / November 16, 2023

Blah Blah Blah, Selective Hearing

“BE STRONG! Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY! Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP! Blah, blah, WE WILL NEVER CONCEDE! Blah blah, blah.

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Gaza & the True Second Coming
By Anita O Pinion / October 28, 2023

Gaza & the True Second Coming

What is the blowback every time the holocaust/antisemitism card is played on someone who is legitimately criticizing the atrocities done by Israel and its supporters? They just created fertile soil for more people to become antisemitic. It can be taken as proof that Jews are all those antisemitic tropes that are vile. The critics are silenced by a people so wounded that they cannot come out from behind the shield of victimhood that labels all criticism as an attack on...

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By Becoming Us…
By John Fridinger / April 27, 2022

By Becoming Us…

Starting with Richard Rohr’s; “God loves us by becoming us...” As beautiful as these words are in their most obvious meaning, I believe they also include some deeper dimensions of understanding that many people are not yet able (or prepared) to hear…?  I believe they are also saying that God, and therefore the actuality and power of God’s Love, which is not separate from or other than God, is all about becoming conscious of Herself through, and as, humans…  And...

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God does not “see” sin
By John Fridinger / March 18, 2022

God does not “see” sin

Part One God does not “see” sin… What the world calls “mercy” in common usage presumes a crime (or sin) has been committed, and that “forgiveness” is about something real, in other words a “real” crime, or sin. In such an ontology forgiveness and mercy serve merely to “make” separation more “substantial.” True (radical) forgiveness and the mercy it seems to entail, at their deepest and most sublime levels, is not about what others are doing or not doing. Real...

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An Open Message Regarding Bernardo Kastrup
By John Fridinger / March 18, 2022

An Open Message Regarding Bernardo Kastrup

I have been following some of Bernardo’s writings for a long time. A while ago my cousin asked me if I saw something he had just written, and my thoughts on it…  My answer to her has evolved into this essay…  Bernardo Kastrup doesn’t seem to fully realize the degree to which he is still trying to think his way to what in its primal essence is both prior to and the end of all thought, a sort of destination, phenomenon...

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By John Fridinger / March 18, 2022


Seeing (Awareness) knows that it knows, and knows its own seeing or knowing, without any need of another (an other). This seeing is NOT of the eyes, ears, or any of the bodily senses. Metaphor, we must "move” with words such as these, allow them to carry us past (or prior) to words, and then "further," past and prior to thought, emotion, memory, imagination. In such a movement we may begin to discover that what is real is what we also are, here and now, source and destination,...

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Wildness, Wilderness & David Whyte
By John Fridinger / March 18, 2022

Wildness, Wilderness & David Whyte

Context Wilderness and wildness can be beautiful ways to recognize source made manifest, and to describe an enlivened earth as the larger terrain we and all of life are co-participants in.  In this view or metaphor, and for the purposes of this essay, wildness is understood to be the activity of wilderness, while wilderness is understood to be the manifest expression of awareness, source, life, consciousness, Goddess, Tao, so many names for that which is is prior to all naming. Wilderness, uncontained, inter-relational, infinitely varied, without rigid boundaries. And yet, familiar. Wildness, the actual enlivening itself, coming into...

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By John Fridinger / March 18, 2022


Part One It is Grace that brings about the final cessation of any identity of separation, otherwise called ego, to reveal all of manifest Existence as this Truth of Love that we also Are. No ego or identity of separation can orchestrate such a dissolution, nor can any illusion of separation “unite” with what has never in any way been apart. In Truth there is neither an ego to kill nor something other to unite with. “Higher states of consciousness,” “thoughts as...

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Cartesian Theology and the Axis of Separation
By John Fridinger / March 18, 2022

Cartesian Theology and the Axis of Separation

Part One The logical underpinnings, world views and mechanistic paradigms of what is predominantly a northern hemisphere Western/European, patriarchal, hierarchical and deeply alienated culture has colonized and subjugated indigenous, southern hemisphere, Eastern, feminine, matriarchal and nearly all other human ways of understanding, relating, experiencing and sharing the commons (world). All of our planet’s life’s ways, experiences, relationships, explorations, discoveries, needs and perspectives are being forced, far beyond what is natural, healthy or sustainable, to engage, submit and/or adapt to the...

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